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Beratics' Searchbar

Beratics' SearchBar understands complex queries, and finds the best product that fits your customer's needs. Empower your customer with the most intelligent and quick searchbar available in the market.



Beratics' SearchBar uses semantic similarity to find the correct product, document or information with 94% accuracy. No need to know the right name of the product or the right product code, briefly describe what you are looking for and Beartics' Searchbar will provide the best fitting results in your database using semantic similarity.

Response Time

No matter how complicated or long the search queries are, Beratics' Searchbar will respond between 0.1 and 0.9 seconds. This is faster than what Google Search provides but more powerful.


Beratics' SearchBar can be seamlessly integrated into any product. Beratics provides its customers with an API for integration.

Multilingual Searchbar

Beratics' Searchbar is available in many languages, German, English, Chinese, French, Italian, Hindu and more. 

Application Areas


With Beratics' unique technology, you can provide the best search experience to your users. 

Best FAQs Page Experience

Document Search

Automate how your customers engage with your company and receive information about your products, services and more.

Search similar content in your documents, across various languages. Powered by Beratics.

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